A man from Wamuini village in Kiminini sub-county in Trans Nzoia died on Wednesday after allegedly overdosing the sex enhancement drug Viagra.
Confirming the incident, Trans Nzoia County Operations Officer Chemonges Ndiema, told the People Daily that the deceased, 48-year-old Samuel Mungai Mwangi died in a house belonging to his mistress in Wamuini village in Kiminini sub-county.
The deceased is said to have visited his mistress on Tuesday evening and thereafter developed body complications after taking the Viagra drugs. His mistress Salome Nyambura gave him some Flagyl for first aid.
“The two lovebirds made merry until late in the night when the deceased developed some complications that left the woman in fear and gave him some Flagyl tablets in order to relieve the pains: she then advised him to sleep on the sofa set chair only to discover he had succumbed,” said Ndiema.
Wamuini village elder John Mungai Mwaura who learned of the death on Wednesday morning alerted the police that a man had died mysteriously in a woman’s house.
Police arrived at the scene and took the body of the deceased to Kitale County Hospital morgue, where a postmortem is expected to ascertain the death.
”An autopsy report will help us ascertain the real cause of the death but in the meantime, we have taken statements from the woman who has confirmed giving her manfriend Flagyl tablets after he complained of stomachache,” said Ndiema.
He further said investigations are still ongoing with the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions have taken the files for directions likely opening an open inquest.