76 people were found hiding inside closed bars and will be charged.
Kenyans have developed tactics of drinking alcohol by hiding inside closed bars while others park their vehicles in open fields to enjoy their favourite tipple.
In Kiambu county 76 people, mostly youths, found themselves in trouble on Saturday and Sunday after the county security team arrested them for violating government restrictions.
Kiambu county commissioner Wilson Wanyanga said on Monday they confiscated alcohol consumed inside nine bars and towed away vehicles.
This people we arrested for flouting the law are doing so willingly and we have tightened our belt that this must be punished. They will be taken to court but in the meantime they will be released on a cash bail pending appearing in court.
Wanyanga said violators will be forced into 14 days quarantine and later be charged.
There is a directive for people to stay at home and yet others are out there merry making, throwing caution to the wind. We will be strict on them as we need not put our loved ones at risk since we may not tell who has the virus.
Wanyanga said bars which will be found operating with closed doors will be put on a list and the county security agency will recommend to county government to suspend their licenses.
9 bars were found operating behind closed doors:
The nine bars which we have found operating with closed doors will be a lesson to others thinking to open back doors for people to consume alcohol and we have recommended that their bar licenses be revoked.
The county executive in charge of licensing bars, Mary Riunge, said that the county government does not license wines and spirits outlets, according to the County Alcoholic Act and those operating were doing so illegally.
Licenses will be withdrawn:
We will take note of bars being opened and their licenses will be withdrawn and revoked, such that the bar owner will never operate a bar business again within the county.