Despite having expressed her fears that pregnancy would affect her dance career, Aggie The Dance Queen wowed fans as she faced off with actress Sandra Dacha in a jig.
The duo, in a well-choreographed dance routine, appears to almost come into a physical fight before they begin shaking their waists in synchrony.
The dance queen mocked the comedienne, posting in response to the short Instagram video:
“Hii haitakuwa fair fight.wacha nikuhurumie juu haitaki hasira,” (This is not a fair fight, I will be lenient with you).”
Fans reacted to the video
Here are some of the reactions from fans:
@nila254 said:
“When they said once a dancer always a dancer, they were right about all of us dancer.”
@asena_kay posted:
“Mtoto wa Aggie hufeel ka pilot kwa jet fighter za Ukraine anazungushwa huku na huko bila wasiwasi,” (Aggie’s unborn baby must be experiencing what fighter jet pilot go through,”