Kenya Will Have It’s Coronavirus Peak In August And September Declares Ministry Of Health

The ministry of health has declared that Kenya will have it’s coronavirus peak in August and September.

The Ministry of Health Director General Patrick Amoth now says that Kenya will have its coronavirus peak in August and September.

Speaking at Afya House on Thursday, Dr. Amoth noted there is a likelihood that during the peak period, Kenya will be reporting at least 200 positive cases in a day.

He said:

If we continue with the measures that have been put in place as of today, the peak period will be in August and September where its likely for us to report 200 cases plus a day.

He asked Kenyans to continue following the laid out directives, insisting cases will be on the rise as more and more people are tested.

He added:

Remember modelling keeps on changing based on the variables you input and our wish is to continue with the existing measures because they have ensured our hospitals have not been overrun.

At the same time Dr. Amoth expressed optimism with the measures the government has put in place saying they have been key in suppressing the spread of the virus.

In March, the Ministry of Health had projected that Kenya would have at least 10,000 cases by the end of April.

Dr Amoth now says the measures that the government undertook at the time including closure of schools and cessation of movement in Nairobi and Mombasa  greatly reduced the spread of the virus.

As of Thursday, Kenya had confirmed 1109 cases of the new coronavirus after 80 people tested positive between Wednesday and Thursday.

There have been 375 recoveries so far and 50 fatalities since the first case was reported in the country.

(H/T Citizen)


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