In bizarre news of the day, the size of men’s penises has been linked to chemicals used in non-stick frying pans.
A new study has found that chemicals, known as perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), are having a surprising impact on men’s penises and potentially making them smaller.
The chemicals, called perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), are found in a number of everyday items, including the non-stick coat on cookware, fast food packaging and medicines.
Researchers, from the University of Padua, revealed that PFCs could be harming hormone signalling, which in turn could lead to ‘significantly’ smaller penises and less mobile sperm.
The study, published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, measured 383 penises, 212 from the Padua region of Italy and 171 others from outside the area.
Padua is one of four locations in the world where water is known to be heavily polluted with PFCs.
Scientists found that men who grew up in the area had significantly smaller penises.
Results revealed that the average penis was around half an inch shorter when flaccid as well as being noticeably thinner.
Study authors believe river pollution from the run-off of a chemical factory and wastewater treatment plant could be behind the increased levels of PFCs in the area.