Juma Jux’s ex, Vanessa Mdee, says she has finally found real love by dating Hollywood actor Rotimi.
The two are living together in the States. While Vee was recording a video for her fans on social media, Rotimi made an appearance and said, “Hatuachani.”
Mdee’s fans have taken this as a response to the haters who have been saying, “Wataachana tu”. Mdee opened her heart to the fans, expressing how in love she is.
Here’s the video on Instagram where Rotimi declared that they are not breaking up:
She also added:
I have been in the industry for 13 years and I have never taken a break. I have finally found some time to do what Vee likes. To chill. I found love, beautiful love. I am so happy.
She went on to urge fans to use this time well to grow themselves spiritually.
Find time for yourself, especially in this time of stillness. Realign yourself, pray, reconnect with God. Take care of your family and loved ones and be still and know that He is God.
So the ones who keep telling the couple that they will break up need to leave them alone.