Series Of Online Posters Telling Women How To Keep Their Men Happy During Lockdown Has Angered Many

Series of online posters telling women how to keep their men happy during lockdown has angered many.

Women’s rights groups say the campaign reinforces gender stereotypes and could increase the risk of domestic violence.

The Malaysian government’s department for women has apologized after it released a series of online posters telling women how to keep their men happy during the COVID-19 lockdown.

The tips included how to keep your home alone.

Titled “Household Happiness”, the tips posted on Facebook and Instagram included giggling coyly instead of nagging, not allowing your appearance to slip and making sure the home is clean.


One suggested women avoid being sarcastic if their partner was not helping with the housework.

Condemned by women’s rights groups. 

The online posters, with the hashtag #WanitaCegahCOVID19 (Women Prevent COVID-19), were condemned by women’s rights groups who said the campaign could worsen gender stereotypes and possibly encourage domestic violence.


The Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) said the Facebook and Instagram posts reinforced negative gender stereotypes of both women and men.

It said in a statement:

It implies that women are ultimately responsible for getting domestic chores done when the duty should be a shared one. It makes women the ones who need to persuade their partners to chip in, and worse, asks that women downplay a rightful request by using infantile language and mannerisms – so as not to offend the apparent sensitivities of men.

(H/T Sky news)


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