Influencer Trolled For Telling Female Fans To Drink Their Period Blood

A Swedish influencer has told female fans to drink their period blood to shorten their periods.

Bianca Ingrosso, who has over a million followers on Instagram, was taking part in a YouTube Q&A when she gave viewers the strange tip to alleviate their menstrual pain.

Her tip was to help women end their periods faster, like how dumb is that?

She said:

There is this latest tip and that is to drink your own period blood. Because it should make periods go away faster as you get all the vitamins you otherwise lose by drinking blood.

The 25-year-old star admitted that she hadn’t tried drinking her period blood yet, but she knows “a lot of people” who do.

Bianca said:

I haven’t tested this yet, but I know that a lot of people do it and then their period only lasts six hours.

Her advice was ridiculed by followers, with one commenting:

Drink your own p*** to get rid of a urinary tract infection. Drink your excrement to get rid of diarrhoea. What do you think, will I make it to become an influencer?

According to previous reports, Bianca is not the only public persona to encourage the public to drink their period blood. 

The Sun reported, Nadine Lee is a 30-year-old Bali-based healer who encourages others experience ”menstruation magic”, to prove that periods are completely natural, and that we should embrace them.

In 2018, Nadine said:

Drinking your blood can be a way for women to clear your vision and energise themselves by awakening spiritual centres.

It’s about connecting with our natural bodies rhythms and using that to amplify our lives. It can be used to leverage our relationships, careers, and spirituality.

Would you really drink your own period blood?


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