Ghanaian actor Akuapem Poloo has stated unless a suitor converts to Islam and becomes a Muslim, they can’t get married to her.
The actor who days ago publicised her new faith in Islam was today Thursday, 18 August, 2022, on Ayekoo Ayekoo Accra FM 100.5 FM’s mid-morning show.
“I don’t want anyone [or] anything to take me [away from my faith],” she was quick to inform host Nana Romeo.
“When I was a Christian, no one took me away from Christianity. No Muslim told me stop [being] Christian so I don’t want anyone that will come and tell me to [stop being Muslim],” she argued.
Akuapem Poloo, nicknamed Sexy Poloo, shared thoughts on her former faith.
“I’m not saying Christianity is not good because I’ve tasted it and when I was there, they really supported me. Christians supported me, they pushed me this far [in my career]. Both Christians and Muslims [supported] but this [Islam] is what I have chosen.”
She claimed she’s loved Islam “for so many years” and asked the public not to think she converted to the faith at someone’s insistence or to please anyone.
Born Rosemond Brown, she had a word for women who convert to Islam in their quest to make Muslim men marry them.
“What if after your conversion, he doesn’t marry you? Will you go back to [being] Christian?” she quizzed.
In addition, Poloo noted that even traditional leaders like chiefs and kings are not exempted and must also convert to Islam if they desire her for wife.
“There are royals amongst Muslims as well.”
When a listener asked if she’s been attending Friday prayers, she reminded the audience she’s been Muslim for only a week.