Men all over the world have stressed about the size of their penis, and now US sex scientist Dr Nicole Prause has discovered the ideal size women look for.
Although there’s no need to worry too much since Prause also stated that women tended to not be too bothered by this.
Speaking to award-winning porn director Holly Randall on her ‘Unfiltered’ podcast, both Randall and Prause noted that the topic of penis size is one they are regularly asked about.
Prause explained that while there have been many studies into women’s preferences, many of these have been flawed.
For most of these studies women tend to be asked to give their preference simply by looking at a sheet of paper, and then go on to give bad estimates as they’re not great at guessing sizes.
For Prause’s study, she and her team constructed 3D models of penises, meaning participants were able to give better judgements in regards to size and shape.
This study determined women tended to pick out a penis that was slightly larger for a one-time partner, especially in girth, and a bit smaller for a long-term partner.
Prause jokes that through the study they discovered ‘husband d*ck’ as ‘what women want for a one-time, pleasure side-thing appears to be bigger than what they’re really wanting to deal with on a day-to-day basis’.