Sentence for Woman Who Procured Abortion with Tea, Paracetamol Concoction

A woman in Nyamira County is facing a year-long sentence for terminating a seven-month-old pregnancy using a concoction of tea leaves and paracetamol.

Linet Kemunto, aged 35, will be serving her sentence from her home in  Bonyengwe II sub-location in Nyamira North, where she committed the crime.

A police report indicates that the woman who has since pleaded guilty to the crime also admitted to throwing her baby in River Eyaka after the act.

Ms Kemunto is a mother of five, one of whom has special needs and constantly needs care.

She is also raising a grandchild; her teenage daughter’s four-old-baby.

Having pleaded guilty and asked to be pardoned of her crime, the Nyamira Law Court is sentencing her for a year.

It is stated in the affidavit that she is the sole provider for her family.

Prior to the incident, Ms Kemunto was in an abusive marriage, something that led her to separate from her husband.


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