Religious organizations have been ranked the poorest givers of Covid-19 relief aid according to a survey published by Geo Poll in July 2020.
The survey indicates that only 5% of Kenyans who received any relief at all during the pandemic received it from the places of worship.
Topping the list of the greatest givers was family and friends. This category alone bagged a 28% rating with the receivers of aid saying their families and friends have been the most helpful during the hour of need.
Whereas some of the participants in the survey were “Not Sure”, donations and government aid tied up in the second position with 18%.
Aid from organizations was second last with 13% respondents acknowledging the help they received.

The survey also indicates that nearly half (49%) of its respondents’ income had decreased significantly due to their inability to work during the pandemic.
27% stated that their income had decreased “a bit” whereas only 5% said their income had increased at all since the pandemic.
Unemployment continues to rise as the impact of Coronavirus persists globally.
Some city dwellers in the country more so those in Nairobi have been forced to pack up and head back to their rural homes as they can no longer sustain their livelihood in the city.
Some that are left behind in the city are struggling. Some tenants have been evicted by the property owners from their rental houses and are forced to stay on the streets.
Such people are barely surviving with a few lucky ones attracting the help from well-wishers.
Yesterday, Sunday July 26, Kenya recorded the highest number of infections at 960 new patients in just 24 hours.