This Kenyan Hotel Where Elizabeth II Went From Princess To Queen 70 Years Ago Has Closed

It’s a historical event that is recognized fondly by Kenyans, but one that has become difficult to celebrate due to COVID-19.

Seventy years ago, then-Princess Elizabeth was on a trip to Kenya and received news that her father, King George VI, passed away and she would begin her reign.

queen elizabeth treetops kenya

It’s a historical event that is recognized fondly by Kenyans, but one that has become difficult to celebrate since the hotel where Elizabeth spent her last night as a princess was closed due to COVID-19.

“The guests that used to come here were very few,” tour guide Amos Ndegwa explained. “And so they could not sustain the cost of the lodge, so the directors decided to close down the hotel.”

The Treetops Hotel that stands today was rebuilt after the original was reportedly burned to the ground by freedom fighters.

But many Kenyans want to see the hotel preserved as they believe that tourists will be eager to visit the place where Elizabeth became queen.

“Treetops should not have been closed,” one person said. “They should be talking about making the place a place to visit from everywhere in the world.”

“This is to encourage the Kenyan government to give top priority to national heritages, especially Treetops Hotel,” another added.

Even without the hotel, it’s a day in history that will have a special significance to this country and its people.


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