A statement by the Ministry of Health has unearthed a shocking revelation concerning cases of sexual assault in Kenya.
According to MoH, over 5,000 rape survivors received medical treatment at various hospitals across the country between March and June.
The survivors are largely minors and comprise 5% male and 95% female survivors.
The Ministry of Health also watered down claims that some measures put in place to curb the spread of coronavirus were fuelling violence.
“I wish to point out that these measures do not at all justify the violence being meted out on innocent members of the society more so, women and children,” Health CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi said.
Further, MoH said the measures put in place are meant to avert the virus spread and not precipitate more violence.
The Government has put measures in place to ensure victims of these atrocities receive help.
The National Prevention and Response Plan on Violence Against Children 2019-2023 which was launched last week by the State Department of Social Protection will seek address issues of violence against children.
At the same time, the response will be offering psychosocial support and counselling to victims through its toll-free number 1190.
Incidences can also be reported through 116 which is also toll-free.