At least 80 form four candidates from Matungulu Boys High have walked out of school claiming they are tired of studying.
According to Standard, the students reportedly walked out of the school on Wednesday evening without staging any form of a riot and left behind only 36 students.
They had earlier boycotted meals during the day.
Apparently, a section of the students had interviews with journalists stating that they were tired of the school’s administration which they referred to as very strict.
They also raised concerns over the poor diet offered at the school and the recent withdrawal of entertainment sessions that ran on a weekly basis.
“We are tired of studying. The principal has been too strict and has been denying us our rights. We prefer to stay at home and only come to do our examinations when the time comes,” a student is quoted by the publication.
The school’s principal, Joseph Makau has however condemned the actions by the students terming the move as misconduct and indiscipline.
Makau further revealed that before the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some students had been on counseling due to the use of hard drugs.
“Those who walked out of the school are suffering from ‘freestyle’ kind of living where they don’t want to adhere to basic regulations for conducive learning. We will remain firm and as a school, we will not entertain any indiscipline that threatens smooth learning.” Makau said.
The parents of the students have been notified of the incident and a way forward will be sought with the inclusion of parents and the school administration.