Anybody sharing pornographic material on the internet will risk a Ksh. 20million fine or 25 year jail term or both if a Bill by Garissa town MP Aden Duale is approved.
The Bill proposes to amend the cyber crimes act to prohibit sharing of pornographic materials.
“A person shall not knowingly publish pornography through a computer system, produce pornography for the purpose of its publication through a computer system, download, distribute, circulate, sell or make it available in anyway from a telecommunications apparatus pornography,” it states.
Equally, the bill seeks to prohibit the use of electronic mediums to promote terrorism, extreme religious or cult activities.
In amending the Cyber Crimes Act, the bill proposes that a person who publishes or transmits electronic messages that is likely to cause other persons to join or participate in terrorists activities, commits an offense and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding Ksh. 5million or face a 10 year jail term or both.
To further shield the nation from offensive websites, the Bill seeks to have them blocked by empowering the National Computer and Cybercrime Coordination Committee to render such websites inaccessible within the country.
Source: Citizen TV