The Atheist In Kenya Society has embarked on an exercise seeking to expose places of worship responsible for causing discomfort to many Kenyans due to noise pollution.
In a letter addressed to the National Environment Management Authority (Nema), society president Harrison Mumia said they are compiling a list of churches and mosques that have become a nuisance to public peace especially in residential areas.
Mr Mumia asked Nema to take immediate action on the said places of worship or else the atheists society will be forced to take legal action.
He claimed the places of worship are in violation of existing noise pollution laws.
“Following complaints our society has received from Kenyans that are angry about the noise pollution emanating from places of worship in residential areas, we are asking NEMA to shut down these places,” he said.
“A lot of these places of worship are a huge nuisance to public peace. As a society, we are taking proactive measures and we will provide you with the names of Churches and Mosques that emit too much noise that disturbs the peace of Kenyan,” Mr Mumia added.
President Uhuru Kenyatta announced the phased re-opening of places of worship in July 2020 after they were shut down in March following a surge in the number of Covid-19 infections.
Some of the restrictions permitting reopening of churches and mosques included ensuring congregants maintained social distance, wear masks throughout services and setting up of handwashing centers.
Source: NairobiNews