14-year-olds were caught partying naked with adults in Jamhuri estate.
NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 27- Police in Kilimani are holding 18 people found having a house party in Nairobi’s Jamhuri estate.
Those arrested include 4 minors, police said after busting a group of people in a house party in Jamhuri.
Lucas Oigara, the Officer In-Charge of Kilimani Police Division said:
We received information from the Multi Agency [Team] that there were people at a house in the estate and that is when our officers moved in and arrested them.
Those arrested include men and women, with some girls and boys–all aged between 14 and 30 years.
We are interrogating them to establish their motive and why they had gathered there because some were naked.
Police recovered cameras which detectives were reviewing to establish what had been filmed.
The police chief said:
They told us that they were filming something to do with culture the police chief said we want to understand what culture this is.
The arrest comes amid social distancing and large gathering restrictions as part of government directives to prevent the spread of coronavirus which had infected 355 people and killed 14 in the country by April 26.
Globally, more than 1.9 million people have been infected with more than 200,000 fatalities.
Another senior detective at the police station described the scene as “nasty.” Which obviously means it was unsettling and disturbing.
From the interviews with senior police officers at the police station the suspects will most likely face charges ranging from failing to observe social distancing measures to committing indescent acts.
The officers were non-committal on whether the suspects will be taken to quarantine after recent accusations on police officers taking anyone arrested after curfew hours to quarantine facilities.
(H/T Capital news)