10 American Habits You Lose When You Move To Ghana

We all know there’s a vast difference between American culture and the Ghanaian culture.

Our relatives abroad sometimes move back home thinking they can carry on with habits they learned staying abroad but that definitely cannot fly out here.

With time, here are all the habits you lose when you move to Ghana from abroad.

1. You Can’t Say “Hi” To Elders

It might seem normal to say “hi” to someone older than you in the States, but it is an abomination down here in Ghana and when you stay here for long, you will be chastised so much you will be forced to comply and before you know it, saying “hi” feels disrespectful.

african americans in ghana

2. You Can’t Leave Your Dishes Unwashed

Not washing your dishes after eating will incur some barking by your friends and family in Ghana. Dishes must be washed ASAP after eating.

Photo: Creo Concepts/GhanaBa

3. You Can’t Walk Into A House And Say What’s Up

“What’s up” might be a normal way of greeting people in the States but down here, you might be ignored when you walk into a house and your first words are “What’s up”. You will soon get used to it and before you know it, you’re politely greeting “Good [insert time of the day]” whenever you walk into a house.

Image: indiaToday

Image: indiaToday

4. You Can’t  Greet Nor Eat With Your Left Hand

You pretty much can’t do anything with your left hand so long as it involves other people or even yourself. Being it eating, greeting, addressing people etc. as these are considered disrespectful or arrogant.

oprah-shocked gif

5. Getting To Events Late Is Normal

If you don’t know what the popular term, “Ghana Man Time” is, ask about it. If the event starts at 8, it’s fine to arrive at 10. You might still be early.


6. Bribing Becomes A Norm

You will soon realize that it’s okay to bribe people in Ghana to do their jobs, yes, their assigned jobs.



7. You Don’t Need A Loo To Pee

As a foreigner, peeing on the streets might sound awkward at first but when you live here long enough, you will join the club and wouldn’t mind peeing anywhere you find. In case you are wondering what these signs everywhere are for.



8. Cutlery Is Out Of The Question

Eating at the restaurant with your hands is accepted and so with time you will get used to eating with your hands and wouldn’t even think about using a cutlery anymore.


9. You Lose Your Sense Of Order On The Roads

Driving in Ghana is crazy and if you decided to play it gently, you will be stuck in traffic forever and so the best way is to fight back and before you know it, you’ve lost your sense of order.

accra traffic

10. Getting used to being misunderstood

There are many things you could say and get away with anywhere else in the world but in Ghana, even harmless words could get you in trouble, you’ll find yourself misunderstood several times.


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