Accra, the capital of the Republic of Ghana is the hub of everything. Just like any other capital, people migrate here to find greener pastures.
The only problem is that they forget to take into consideration the fact that this city, like other business-centered capital cities, is very expensive to live in and it comes with a lot of challenges.
Staying in Accra is a daily hustle. Either you play along or you get left behind. No one will babysit you.
Below are 10 struggles of living in Accra.
1. Let’s start with the obvious
Look. Accra is expensive for no reason.
— Lexis (@niilexis) September 8, 2018
2. Water Scarcity
Apart from some luxurious neighborhoods, water is a scarce commodity in Accra. Whether you live in your own apartment or a rented apartment, water is an issue that’ll affect you. People walk long distances every day just to get water each day. Water is mostly rationed in Accra and in certain areas, it doesn’t flow at all.
3. Food
Food is by no means cheap in Accra and with the current economic condition, it’s a killing having three square meals a day if you’re an average Ghanaian. Unlike other places where food may be cheaper, Accra is not like that. 4 tiny pieces of tomatoes cost as much as ¢5 so do the math if you have to prepare soup or stew. That is minus other ingredients. Even prepared Indomie will cost you nothing less than ¢5.
Why is snail in Accra chop bars 25gh. Snail that you dont chase them, that they dont run, no trap to catch them, jus picking them up. I dont understand
— the container guy (@Da_boyKing) May 16, 2018
4. Transport
I traveled to Kumasi some time back and I was surprised at how cheap fares were over there. I took a taxi and the fare I was charged was so cheap I actually gave the driver more looking at how much such a distance could have cost me in Accra. There are people whose transport fares to and from work is around 8 cedis each day but they have no choice. It’s as if Accra fuel prices are different from other cities and towns.
5. Accommodation
Getting accommodation is a headache, when you find one too, the rent is another headache. There are single rooms in Accra that cost as much as ¢400. Yes! The least amount of money you can pay for a single room in Accra in an OKAY neighbourhood, is ¢200 even that, getting it is a real hustle. Rent also increases every two years when your agreement expires.
6.Landlord And Tenant Issues
In Accra, everything is money so there are times landlords just begin to act up even when your advance hasn’t run out. This is simply because some agent somewhere may be giving him pressure to rent the place to someone at a higher rate.
Other times too landlords live in the compound with their tenants. They pay no water bill and if they share the same meter with tenants, they don’t pay electricity bills too.
If you live on a compound with other tenants too there are issues that you’ll face each day. It’s either scrubbing or sweeping, utility bill sharing or being accused of something you know nothing about.
7. Conmen and Thieves
This is a fast city and everyone is smart but of course, there are people who outsmart others for a living. These are people you have to deal with on a daily basis if you stay in Accra. From your house to your workplace, there are thieves and conmen scattered all over the place.
Even getting transport to your destination from certain areas in Accra is a problem because you’ll end up getting the vehicle all right but losing something valuable.
8. Floods
This is a real problem in Accra now. I guess you’ve heard and read about it for years now. That is the state of Accra. Once it rains, communities get flooded, apartments get flooded, offices get flooded destroying properties and taking lives. This makes even commuting an issue.
When in town and it starts to rain, people panic because there’s no safe place to hide. You can go to work and return home to a room full of water after it rains. You can be in your office and have water enter the building when it rains. Imagine having to endure this year after year.
9. Annoying Traffic
Traffic is a serious problem in Accra. It seems there are more vehicles than roads to accommodate them. getting to work you’ll have to set off early else you’ll be late. After work too during rush hour, you’ll stay in traffic for hours before getting home.
Some people stay in traffic for two hours for a journey that could have taken 30 minutes. It’s a real hustle moving around the city every day.
‘’ This Accra traffic is so annoying. You hear your wife is in labour and by the time you get home your child is already in Primary 4 ’’
— Nsafoah (@OneKeys) June 1, 2018
10. Jobs
Those who come to Accra to seek greener pastures always run into shock when they realise that jobs are simply not available here. Because the city is densely populated, jobs are very scarce here. Unless you go into petty trading. Even that, you’ll really have to struggle to make sales since there are thousands of people doing the same thing. Walk through the major streets and see the number of people hawking and selling various items in traffic. Jobs are a real headache in Accra.
11. High Utility Bills
I know you’ll say that utility tariffs cut across the whole country but that’s where you’re wrong. Those in urban Ghana pay more whiles those in rural Ghana pay less. Utility tariff in Accra alone can cost you your whole monthly salary.