10 Stereotypes About KNUST All Legon Students Strongly Believe

Ghana’s premier University and they’ll make sure you know it.

Students and people who have passed through the University of Ghana have something against students and alumni of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). To Legon, KNUST is not even qualified to be a primary school.

Here are 10 stereotypes about KNUST all Legon students strongly believe:

1. KNUST alumni are not well trained enough to be presidents

nana addo ghana

2. Poor infrastructure in the school

poor infrastracture knust

3. No proper programmes in the Arts Department, just a shadow of the rich programmes Legon has

arts in ghana

4. Don’t have enough swimming pools for massive pool parties

swimming pool in ghana

5. Too much learning and no fun like a Senior High School

senior high school ghana

6. Legon guys literally snatch girlfriends of KNUST guys

sugar daddy ghana

7. All KNUST students are the University of Ghana rejects

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8. KNUST students wear school uniform

omgvoice celebs

9. Tech guys can’t speak good English

what surprise gif

10. Legon guys are rich. Tech guys are poor

money gif


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