After the abolishing of the Atlantic Slave Trade, many slaves that were from Africa were left to live in the island plantations they worked on.
Some of these lands later evolved into countries such as Jamaica.
Many of them were from different African countries and thus communication was a bit of a challenge since education was restricted.
So they came up with their own language which is now popularly known as Patois. A fusion of bits of different languages including English. So you’re likely to come across some words in patois that can be found in many African languages like Efik, Igbo, and Yoruba here in Nigeria.
Well! Let’s find out how true this assertion is.
1. akara
from àkàrà, type of food,
2. attoo
from átú, “chewing stick”
3. big-eye
“big eye” from Igbo “anya ukwu”, “greedy”
4. breechee
from mbùríchì, an Nri-Igbo nobleman
5. door-mouth
claque from ọ́nụ́ ụ́zọ̀ (mouth + door), ‘doorway’
6. chink, chinch
from chị́nchị̀, ‘bedbug’
7. country ibo
from Ị̀gbò, Pluchea odorata or Ptisana purpurascens
8. de, deh
from dị, [with adverbial] “is” (to be)
9. hard-head
from ísí íké, (head + hard, strength), ‘obstinate
10. himba
from mba, “yam root”, a type of yam, Rajania cordata
11. obeah
from ọbiạ, “doctoring”, “mysticism”
12. okra
from ọkwurụ, a vegetable
13. poto-poto
from “opoto-opoto”, mkpọtọ-mkpọtọ, “mud”, “muddy”,
14. red Ibo, Eboe
from Ị̀gbò, a person with a light skin colour or a mulatto of mixed parentage
15. se
from sị, “quote follows”, also from Akan se and English say
16. soso
from sọsọ “only”
17. unu
from únù, “you (plural)”
19. kaba-kaba
‘unreliable, inferior, worthless’
20. buckra
from mbakára, “white man