Nairobi Hospital Has Started Conducting Coronavirus Tests For KSh 10,000

Nairobi hospital has started conducting coronavirus tests for KSh 10,000.

Those willing to have tests conducted will have to part with Sh10,000. Though how many people can really afford this? and will the test be instant results?

The hospital has asked members of the public to consult their insurance providers to confirm coverage of the tests in their policies.

The hospital says its laboratory can process 80 tests per day on a manual platform.

Once the test is done, it takes between 6-24 hours to get back the results.

The hospital’s CEO Allan Pamba said the move follows a rigorous training and collaboration by the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) and approval by the Ministry of Health, following validation by the National Influenza Centre (NIC) Laboratory.

According to the CEO, the high throughput equipment expected to be in place by April 27, 2020, will be able to sample 900 samples per day.

At the Accident and Emergency Centre, patients will see a doctor who will take their history and particulars.

Once samples have been drawn, patients will be allowed to go home, and their results will be emailed to them when ready.

However, those who test positive will be contacted by their doctor, and the Ministry of Health informed so that the patient can be taken to isolation.

You can also read UK Researchers Are Training Dogs To Detect Coronavirus At The Airport


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