You Are Ashawo & Your Music Is Bogus – Sam George Clashes With Sister Derby Over LGBTI

A bunch of Ghanaian parliamentarians led by Ningo-Prampram MP Sam George presented the most ridiculous bill seeking to criminalize the very existence of members of the LGBT+ community.

The bill that proposes to put people in jail for not less than five years for being gay or behaving in a manner that is not strictly heterosexual has sparked a lot of outrage online. Celebrities like Wanlov the Kubolor, Sister Derby, King of Accra, and others have lent their voice in protest of the passing of the bill.

Anti-LGBT champion Sam George however has been relentlessly defending the bill on Twitter and insisting that nothing will prevent it from being passed as the majority and other constituents are in full support of it.

The Ningo-Prampram MP had enough time on his hands to go back and forth with anyone who called him out on his tweets and ended up in a catfight with Deborah Vanessa and her dolphins. Sister Derby and her brother Wanlov have always been LGBT+ allies and it was only natural that the African Mermaid found the MP’s tweets distasteful.

She called him a pervert who should be ashamed of himself for being so obsessed with the sexual orientation of others, in response to one of his tweets insisting the law will be passed come what may. This led to the two of them lashing out at each other with Sam George ruthlessly dragging Sister Derby’s music and even bringing her ex Medikal into it.



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