It Will Take You 100 Years To Reach My Level – Patapa Jabs Amerado For Shading Him In His Song

Amerado mentioned Patapaa’s name in a diss to Obibini which didn’t go down well with Patapaa.

In Amerado’s The Throne” diss to Obibini, he used a line to address the fellow rapper, which has to do with Patapaa’s name. With his line, he said “Wob3twem S3 Patapaa Ndwom”.

Patapaa didn’t take it cool after the rapper, Amerado used his name in his diss song to rapper fellow rapper, Obibini. As mad as he is, he has aired it out.

The “One Corner” hitmaker found that line in the song by Amerado as disrespectful to him.

He reacted to it by taking to Twitter to pour his anger out. Patapaa said somebody should tell Amerado to stay in his lane and focus on climbing his ladder. Because it will take him more than a decade to get a hit song like his “One Corner” song.



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