Dr. UN also known as Dr. Fordjour is now the latest Ghanaian man of the moment after scamming a host of Ghanaian celebrities and high profile citizens with a fake UN award.
The award which was dubbed ‘The 7TH Global Leadership Service To Humanity’ award was given out in recognition of the recipients’ contribution to humanity. It was however realized that the said award had no credibility.
In response to the ongoing saga, the UN has released a disclaimer disassociating itself from Dr. UN. However, speaking in an interview with Zylofon FM, Dr. Fordjour went on to say that the UN had not done their checks well and that the disclaimer that was issued had the name of his institution written wrongly.
Dr Fordjour added that he had come out to clarify issues that were going and revealed that he went to the UN several times and they did not listen to what he wanted to do.
He also indicated that, the UN was not an institution to be feared as it was an institution to preach peace.