Embarassing Moment Abeiku Santana Sacked AY Poyoo’s Smelling Goat Surfaces Online (Video)

Emmanuel Yeboah popularly known as AY Poyoo aka “the GOAT of Ghana Music” faced a rather tough situation on this week UTV’s United Showbiz Live show.

The show which featured two guests, Rapper Medikal and Himself “AY Poyoo” was going just fine untill the Brand Signature of AY Poyoo whom he termed as Honorable in the video below started to make the panelist and guest of the show feel uncomfortable.

The Brand Manager in Question was the Real Goat himself, but the odour and scent emanating from the Animal brought on show got out of hands as Panelists began to froze their breath, prompting the Side Host of the Show Abeiku Santana to kindly excuse the goat from the Live Show.

AY Poyoo who seemed hesitant at first gave in finally and a UTV Production member came on Set to take the GOAT Away, to dry up the tears of the Goat loosing his spotlight.. AY Poyoo shouted Is Ok, Honourable.. Goo i would join you soon.. Watch Video Below!



Source: Pinaxonline.com


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