Teacher Kwadwo Exposes Corruption In GES, Charges Anas To Do Investigation

Popular Ghanaian teacher and Content Creator, Teacher Kwadwo has charged Ghanaian investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas to secretly investigated the Ghana Education Service (GES).

According to him the Ghana Education Service is immersed in massive corruption but have the guts to sideline teachers trying their best to help needy students.

His views come on the back of recent development where a pupil-teacher who has been cooking and serving pupils of his school was placed on the radar by GES.

Abenah Serwaah Mankosa was invited by the Ghana Education Service (GES) to explain her actions and make available her documents that gives her validity to feed her pupils.

Below Are What He Wrote:

TEACHERS should work under Ghana Police Service NOT “Ghana Education Service” . GES has never liked Teachers!!!

GES is always after “negativity” about Teachers. what kinda institution is this? tu3!!


have u ever seen GES applauding a teacher for putting in extra effort for the leaners before? They are always interested in the “wrong” side of the teacher so they can punish him/her.

curriculum has been changed for 2 years!!! yet TEXT BOOKS nor come still. but GES won’t talk about that. They prefer going after Teachers at any least chance. gosh!!!

your children are at BIG SCHOOLS,they do ICT by sitting in front of big computers. yet u will come to the villages and tell teachers to draw computer on the board to teach the kids with. when the teacher complains,boom!!! they will torment him/her till he/she leaves the job.

politicians donate to schools and take pics with the students and post to score “political points” and we applaud it. A teacher takes a pic with his/her students and post too then GES says it’s against their code of ethics. whaaat!! hur!

TEACHERS have been disrespected for far too long!!! enough is enough!!!! That nonsense must stop!!!
go to the Villages and see how teachers are being treated.it’s disgusting!!! when they see that Teaching is your only source of livelihood,then R.I.P. them go intimidate u!!!!
A teacher posts a pic of herself and her leaners having fun. her friends admire the love she is showing so they send her money to buy bags,bowls,uniforms for them. she does all that and GES is watching for her district to drag and accuse her for using the kids for money? hur!

maybe ur relative nor dey school for village so u won’t understand my “rant”. They are messing up the education system for those at the villages and it’s hurting my soul!!
They watch this kids suffer at the villages but when u try to help them,then they come after. I’m beginning to think “POVERTY” In this country is an Agenda!!! They have planned it!!!
They always threaten teachers who speak their mind with “we will transfer u to a far village”. when they say that,then that teacher stops. they have ruled teachers with FEAR & INTIMIDATION for long!!! enough is enough!!!!!
A teacher teaches for 20yrs and go on retirement but still can’t afford a car worth even 20,000. ei!!! Teaching no ibi work or slavery?
their mentality is “Teacher Training” is for “POOR PEOPLE” so 1s u complete it and become a teacher,remember you have lost ur respect and freedom in their eyes.


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