The feud between Deborah Vanessa also known as Sister Derby and Fella Makafui just took another turn and it’s getting ugly.
Derby and Fella haven’t really been the best of friends every since the former was dumped by rapper Medikal for the latter.
The recent feud was sparked after Fella Makafui labelled Sister Derby as an old woman in a tweet.
Sister Derby took to Twitter to say she had missed her sweet ex’s ‘Uncle Obama,’ to which Medikal responded by saying what she said might be risky.
In reaction to the conversation, Fella Makafui said Medikal made a good choice by forgetting that old woman.
She tweeted in character of Serwaa [her role on the youth-centric TV series, YOLO], “Is make a good choice. Forgetting that old woman.”
However, the tweet may have flown over Derby’s head as she went hard on the actress.
She hit back saying, “This bad English of yours might lead to your divorce.”