Controversial artiste Ringtone Apoko has come out to reveal how his strong desire to be wealthy, drive good cars and lead a successful life nearly saw him marry a old mzungu woman.
Having been born in a humble background-a mud house, lived most of his childhood without wearing shoes-his dream was to live in a cemented house and have an expensive shoe collection.
Unfortunately, having been born never to meet his mother or father, Ringtone yes, had a dream but did not understand how he would achieve it.
So what did he decide?
During his exclusive interview on Full Circle with Joyce, Ringtone admitted;
“I first went to Mombasa at age 14, to find a good life. I was told in Mombasa, there are older Mzungu women who marry young African men.”
According to the gospel artiste, through the Mzungu woman, then he can lead the successful life he always wished for.
“Nilienda Mombasa kwa beach kutafuta mshosho Mzungu anibuyie gari, anipandishe ndege. Anifanye niishi kwa nyumba cemented, anifanye tu nikuwe msee kasonko,” he openly revealed.
On his arrival at the Coastal city, he asked a guy to help him find an old Mzungu lady specifically from the US because his dream was to fly to America.
Unfortunately, the guy Ringtone talked to, asked him why he wants a Mzungu lady and the 14-year old Apoko explained his situation, living without parents and how he wants to be successful.
But the guy he talked to instead asked him to give his life to Jesus and forget the old Mzungu women.
“I told the man that the Jesus I have heard about is fake. But he convinced me to give it a try and that is how I started cleaning church pews in Makupa and went to high school where I started gospel music,” he explains.
Have a listen;

Source: Ghafla