Mbogi Genje Warned By Their Former Friends In The Hood (Video)

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Gengetone group Mbogi Genje, who are famed for hits such as Kidungi, Kuja Mbaya, Ngumi Mbwegze etc, have come under sharp crircitism after one of their members insulted a reporter or rather a YouTuber.

A few weeks ago, the reporter identified as Mungai Eve had visited Mbogi Genje’s hood in Umoja, Eastlands to find out what their peers and those who have seen them rise think of them.

Those who were interviewed did not have kind words for the group, with some even accusing them of stealing their songs. Others claimed they had even forgotten where they came from because they are now at the top.

As expected, these sentiments did not sit well with Mbogi Genje and in particular Guzman Teddy who hurled insults at the said reporter.


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He called her names and told her to mind her own business saying,

“Wewe tafuta content, achana na Mbogi Genje, enda ukule jaba na hizo mbogi za river blogga wewe.”

But he didn’t stop there. Continuing, Guzman said, “Kuma ya mama yako, mtoto wa abortion wewe.” This has left many of their diehard fans wondering whether they let fame go into their tiny heads.

Watch the video below and tell us what you think.

YouTube video

Source: Ghafla

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