Keroche breweries heiress Anerlisa Muigai has many people asking whether she will ever remarry now that she divorced ex husband, Ben Pol.
Well, mostly because she’s getting older and she seems not to be in a hurry to have a kid – but problem is – she’s running out of time. Okay, that’s according to her fans.
However 34 years ain’t as bad as some of her fans want to make it look – since she can always have kids even at 40 years. Anyway with her not responding to this question has only pushed fans to continue asking when she’s planning on starting a family.

One of her fans recently went on to ask the same question Utazaa Lini? Unazeeka. (When will you have babies? You’re getting old) and to our surprise Anerlisa responded.
Judging by the response given by Anerlisa proves that she’s also getting fed up with everyone ‘meddling’ with matters concerning her womb. Probably because she also knows time is moving fast hence reducing her chances of having a child. She wrote;
“Ata sijui. (I don’t even know)”
Not what we expected but hey it’s better than nothing, right? Anyway a while back Anerlisa had revealed that she’s only having a child after marriage – but since she divorced Ben Pol months after their wedding, we can’t really tell what her plans are for now.
Anyway addressing young ladies rushing to have kids with men they barely know;
Dear Young Girls. Do not get kids with somebody you are not sure about. You can date, get engaged etc, but kids? That’s a whole a** commitment. Rather your partner leaves you because you are not sure about having kids than be forced to do it. That’s just my opinion, and others have different views.”
Mmmh, explains why walked out on ex hubby.